Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This morning I was feeling better. I wasn’t feeling good yet, but I was definitely feeling better. I decided I would come to work. I thought it would be good to get out of my bed and maybe have my sheets washed so all the germs are gone, and we had our trend presentation. I already missed putting all the ideas together which is my favorite part and didn’t want to miss the presentation too.

Three new designers from Iowa State came yesterday so today is their first day at the office. They spent the morning on the tour of Cape Coast, the same thing we all did on our first day in the office. It was honestly kind of nice that they weren’t in the office because were were all finishing our last minuet touches on out presentation and they wouldn’t really have had anything to do yet. It’s also good that they are coming at a point where we are finishing one project and getting ready to start a new one.

We finished and gave our presentation at 3:30. Maria seemed to really like all our ideas and was really enthusiastic about them. It was nice because a lot of our ideas are really different from the direction Global Mamas has taken in the past. We figured they would either love it or hate it.

After our presentation and discussing the new ideas it was pretty much time to pack up and go home. I was exhausted. Although I’m feeling better I’m still really weak and get really light headed from time to time.

After work I made a grill chesses sandwich ate a sausage and pretty much went right to bed. It seems like since I’ve been sick life here has been kind of lame and I am in need of a good adventure. Good thing we plan on going to the beach on Friday!

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