Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I cant believe its already Thursday! This week has gone by so fast. It seems like we were just chillin’ out by the beach not that long ago. I may start panicking soon like I'm running out of time here. Even though I still have a whole month left. I only have four weekends to travel and see as much of Ghana as I can.

At work today we finally got feedback from the bosses! I’m so happy because now we can actually get down to business. It seems like we will be busy the rest of the time. I think we are going to start pattern making next week too, which is awesome. They told us which stamps they like and which ones they didn’t. Mostly they like all of the retro geometric stamps. It is very clear, however, that none of them have any idea who their target market actually is. Renee and Kristen have all of the business aspects down, but no one has any marketing background or apparel background. Its kind of funny how everything here works.

After we went over our trend presentation and all the feedback it was time for lunch. I didn’t go for a walk today because Ellen, Nick and I were going to Judy’s to batik at noon. It was so fun spending time with her. She was so happy to have people around. She was also so helpful. She actually taught us what to do and then let us do. My fabric is not perfect. You can tell at the top where I kept messing up cause I wasn’t sure how much pressure to put on each size. I think that makes it way better though. I think batik is supposed to have imperfections and you’re supposed to be able to tell it’s handmade.

After batik we were having happy hour at Eli’s. She made guacamole and plantain chips. It was so good! She made us drinks too, and Global Mamas bought the first round. Wisdom who works at the office has a drink named after him called The Wizzy Special; it was four different kinds of bitters and a shot of gin. It was pretty strong. I couldn’t drink it all and ended up mixing half of it with my beer. There was Then we had black-eyed pea burgers for dinner, which were also amazing.

We hung out at Eli’s for a while after dinner, or at least half of us did. Half of the group is super fun and we all get along really well. The other half is really dull. I feel like none of them have personalities and they don’t know how to have a good time. They’re not adventurous at all so I wonder why they even wanted to come here. They are all really uptight and complain a lot. Something people have to realize about being here is that we are not at home and nothing here is so easy. For example, if at home you order a burger without ketchup and it comes out with ketchup on it, you can send it back and get a new one. Here, however, if you order a burger without ketchup and it comes with ketchup, you suck it up and eat it anyway. You don’t send it back, because first of all everything is made from scratch, but also because they probably don’t have any more meat or bread to make you another one and cant afford to buy more if they wanted to.

Thing from home i miss the most:

Freshly shaven legs

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