Sunday, June 20, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

It seems like there is no bus system here. Almost every morning on the way to work when we catch a cab there is a kid in the front seat on the way to school. It seems funny that parents just throw their children in a cab with someone they don’t know and expect them to take them to school, but hey, that’s Ghana I guess.

When we got to work we spend pretty much the whole day creating stamp templates and cutting them out. It was a pain, but it will be nice come Monday when we can send them out and get samples back this week. Then things should really start getting hectic. While I was slaving away to get all the templates cut out using a straight razor blade I cut my finger. It didn’t hurt very bad nor is it a very bad cut it just surprised me. That’s the third band-aid in three days. Everyone says bad things come in waves of three, so hopefully I'm safe for a while.

We had a pretty slow Friday nothing big happen and after cutting out stencils we folded and packed a few garments for a shipment that is going out in the morning. After work we went to Eli’s for rice and curry. It was so good. It was also super nice because 5 of the volunteers went on a mini vaca to the east side of Ghana and the office, as well as the house was pretty empty.

Other then that, a pretty low key Friday night.

Thing from home I'm missing most:

The fam!

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