Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today I worked from the house all day. It was so nice to not be cramped a million people in the little office. In the morning I went through all the old patterns to make sure they weren’t missing pieces and to make sure everything made sense. I also looked at patterns from a design contest to make sure they made sense.

We also got the ok to make a new dress to sample, so Hilary and I started working on this. We decided the best thing to do would be to create slopers that everyone can use to make patterns from so we will at least have size consistency for the garments we make. We drafted an entire sloper before lunch. It was hard because the proportions for their sizes are off, so we did the best we could.

We decided to take our lunch break at the pool. It was pretty amazing. Even though we were only there for half an hour it was so relaxing to lie around in the sun for a while.

After lunch we finished drafting the pattern for the new dress we’re making. It should be cute. Originally we wanted to make just a skirt, but I think they want us to make it as a dress with a sleeveless bodice. Even though we don’t think that will look good at all we’re going to make a bodice to make them happy and put in our comments that we think it will look better as a skirt only.

After work we went to the bar across the street to hang out. It seems like everyone in the neighborhood is painting. I don’t know if its painting season or what, but everything looks fresh and is painted a new color now. We went to Elis for dinner and she painted it red with Coca Cola signs on it. It actually looks really good.

For dinner we had black-eyed pea burgers. They’re so good. After Eli served dinner and half of us were still eating “the others” took the left over food got up and left. It was probably the rudest thing I’ve ever seen. They all brag about being really proper brought up in wealthy families, but they have no manners. I feel like there is never a good time to brag about how much money your family makes, but if there were to be a good time to bring it up it would definitely not be when you’re in a developing country. I felt bad for Eli too, because when they all got up to leave Eli wasn’t even finished cooking. “The others” never cease to amaze me.

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