Monday, June 28, 2010


World Cup. Celebration after Ghanas win over the U.S.
Hillary and I watching the U.S. vs. Ghana game. Check out my Ghana Gear.
Ellen and I with two friends from the other NGO Nick and Tom. This was the night we stayed at the Stumble Inn.
Hawa, the women who I was going to batik with the day i got lost.
The biggeset spider I have ever seen.
One of the stamps I made after it was sampled. Its not lined up correctly because the people on the visit couldn't figure it out, but i think it looks cool anyways.
This is a sample bag made of scraps. I was the model for the picture we have to send to the bosses in Accra. Its so cute, i hope they like it too.
Nick and I with Chillin' Chillin'. She owns the store out side the office. Shes so nice, when it was raining she let me use her umbrella and wouldnt let me give it back until it stopped raining.

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