Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Today was sunny and we hung by the pool at the resort across the street all day. It was the perfect Sunday. For dinners we went to Elis and the volunteers from Krobo came down and met us for dinner. They’re all from West Point Military Academy. Everyone seemed nice, but they were a little too uptight for me. They definitely fit in better with “the others” then with us. After Elis we all went to the little bar across the street from the house and hung out for a while.

We talked to the other volunteers about Krobo a lot. I think we are going to try and plan a trip there for sometime this week. There are two big bead markets up that way and it would be nice to be able to go to them both, so we are trying to figure something out. Nothing too exciting just a nice relaxing Sunday.

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