Monday, July 12, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I can’t believe its already Thursday. This week has gone by really fast. It seems like now that I’m getting down to the wire time has really started to fly by. I only have 11 days left in Ghana and I’ll be in the States in 12 days.

I stayed at the house again today to work on flats. The power went out pretty early in the day and my computer didn’t really get a chance to charge so I ended up going across the street to the hotel to charge my computer.

While I was at the hotel I Skyped with Mark. I feel like we talked about food a lot, I can’t wait to have a slice of pizza or a Mexi-Melt from Taco Bell. We also talked about what he has planned for the first couple of days after I get home. Thursday we’re going to a Tigers game and then the Canoe Trip is that weekend, so we’re heading up north early Friday morning. I’m really excited; I just hope my jet lag isn’t too bad.

I finished some more flats today, hopefully now that we have flats the women won’t get so confused when sewing the garments because they’ll have something to look at. I also had to write instructions on how to actually construct the garment. It was actually kind of difficult because I’m pretty sure the women don’t know all the English terminology. It was almost like I had to dumb everything down.

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