Thursday, July 15, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Today I worked from the house. Everyone else had to go to the office for one reason or another. Minus Ellen and Apiah I had the entire house to myself. It was very nice to have some alone time and be able to work without any distractions.

I finished drawing flats for all the new samples and started drawing them for some of last years garments that they are going to continue doing in the new catalog.

We are also trying to plan a trip to Krobo for tomorrow to go to the bead market. I really want to go because I think it will be a good experience, and if we do the bead workshop I will learn how they make the glass beads. The only issue is I don’t want to have to deal with the stress of planning and traveling during the last week before I leave.

After work I went to the pool and read for a while. It wasn’t sunny and I kept my hoodie on the entire time, I just really wanted to sit in something comfortable and although the lawn chairs at the pool aren’t that great they are definitely an upgrade from the plastic chairs I have gotten used to. I really can’t wait to sit on a comfortable couch with a big fluffy blanket and socks on.

For dinner we had Red Red at Elis. I haven’t had it since revenge of the red red when I first got here, but I decided I should give it another chance. It was really good and I didn’t get sick, which made it even better.

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