Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today is Africa Unity day which means there is no work!

My stomach was still weak from revenge of the Red Red but overall I felt much better. Sarah, Carla, and I spent the day by the pool. The others went to the beach. I would have gone, but I didn’t want to venture too far from home in case the Red Red decided to come back for round two.

We laid by the pool all day. I laid in the shade and napped for part of the day it was so relaxing, a great way to spend the holiday.

For dinner, Eli made me rice and fruit. Everyone else ate banku, a dish made from broiled fermented corn dough with okro stew. I’m still super nervous about trying new foods now. My stomach is still really weak and even the smell of weird foods makes me feel ill. Eli said that it is quite spicy and would be hard on my stomach too.

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