Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This morning it was raining; Maria said that rainy season is starting. I didn’t pack an umbrella, even though my mom told me I should, so by the time I got to work I was soaking wet, but it was kind of refreshing to be wet cause then I wasn’t so hot. On the other hand, people around me probably weren’t so please because considering the showering conditions I probably smelled like a wet dog. The rainy weather made the temperature today cooler overall. It was nice to not be drenched in sweat all day. I hope I start adjusting to the heat soon.

Our first task for the day was to make changes on a pattern for a dog hat. They were having issues with fit, the small hat was too big for small dogs and the medium hat was too small for medium dogs. We also made changes to the length of the brim. We thought that making it shorter would save on material costs and would look better. We also had them put a piece of interfacing, or stiff as they call it, into the top of the hat to make it stand up better. Hopefully these changes will work.

Next we looked at the sizing chart and made comparisons between the sizing charts and the measurements of the actual products. Maria gave us a spreadsheet with a lot of the garments already measured, but we found that a lot of the measurements weren’t accurate so we re-did them all and started making a standardized way of measuring products for the future.

The hoodie that we tried fixing came back today. I was really surprise at how quick the turn around was. We didn’t finish the pattern until afternoon yesterday and we had it back finished by midmorning today. It seems that even though they are not technologically advanced they have good communication. It amazes me that everyone has cell phones here. No matter what their situation, their family of 15 may live in a shack the size of my bedroom, but they all have cell phones. After analyzing the hoodie and trying it on some kids to see how it fits on kids of different ages we decided the fit was much better, but the sleeves on the size 2-4 were still long so we will have to fix that tomorrow.

After work we went to Malcom, I would consider this store to be a Ghanaian version of Wal-Mart. You can buy dishes, TVs, food, and pretty much anything else. I bought oatmeal and brown sugar to eat for breakfast.

For dinner we went to Eli’s. It’s a “restaurant” that’s next door so we can walk there. Its not a typical restaurant as you would think of in the U.S in the sense that the people who live in the house are her only customers. I think it will be nice for her when the house fills up and more of us are going to eat there. For now, there are only three of us. Her cooking is amazing and I feel safe eating her food. A lot of food I am nervous to eat after going to the market and seeing where it comes from. Also, they don’t really have refrigerators so there is no way to keep things fresh for long periods of time and I know that Eli goes to the market everyday. Today we had Red Red for dinner. Red Red is a traditional Ghanaian dish made with beans and fried plantain.

People here actually carry things on their head. I cant imagine having something so heavy on my head and many people can just balance it without using their hands at all.

The ocean is so close beautiful. It blows my mind that Ghanians don't swim for fun, how can they resist?
Global Momas is well known in cape coast there are signs advertising fair trade throughout the city. This sign is advertising a batik workshop people can do to learn about the process of batiking.

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