Today on the way to work Nick and I were put in charge of carrying a computer monitor, but not just any computer monitor a super old school big and bulky computer monitor. It wasn’t really heavy just super awkward to carry. Originally we were going to charter a taxi to the office that will pick us up from the house and take us directly to the office. However, chartering a taxi is almost more then 5 times the price of taking a shared taxi, so I told Maria we could just take the monitor in a share taxi. It was quite the journey. First of all, its Wednesday and its already difficult to get taxis on Wednesdays due to the fact that Tuesdays are no fishing and so on Wednesdays the fishermen catch a lot of fish and drivers would rather take the fish then take us. Secondly, we had this bulky screen with us, which made people not want to take us even more.
When we finally got to the office we realized that everyone thought someone else was bringing the patterns to the office. My whole purpose in coming to the office today was to work with seamstresses sewing new patterns. I thought Jessica was bringing them, but turns out she only grab the patterns she made and said she thought Sarah was bringing the rest, but Sarah didn’t even come to the office today. This further proves previous point that we have bad communication.
Since I was already in Cape Coast, and now I had nothing to do, I ended up running some errands. I stopped by the store and got some more laughing cow cheese and noodles, I also stopped by a couple little shops on the way and did some souvenir shopping.
When we got back to the house the plan was to work on the patterns we started earlier in the week. When we got to the house everyone else used all the stiff working on other patterns, so there was nothing to make our patterns on. I ended up working on the scrap jewelry samples. We made one of the necklaces they said they liked its like a bigger necklace almost like a scarf. It turned out ok, but I can’t see the people they’re trying to target wanting it.
Today is our new friend Steve’s birthday, so after work we went to meet them at the bar across the street. It was fun all their friends from work were they’re and one of them made pineapple upside down cake. It was delicious.
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